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Why we sold everything to live in an RV

We actually had set ourselves up perfectly for RV life long before we even knew we had. We had started homeschooling our kids many years before we started RVing and I had started online businesses long before that. When Angela first mentioned homeschooling, let’s just say I was not all too excited about it. (Now I am so thankful we did). Our kids began homeschooling in 2013. We had always loved to travel and we did as much as we possibly could. With Angela being a staff nurse that was sometimes difficult. I worked online with domain name investing and dropshipping on ebay. In 2015, Angela came up to me and said “Hey, you know what, the kids are homeschooled, you work online, I can do travel nursing and we could literally go anywhere.” She was right. There was nothing really keeping us in one spot. She decided to take a travel nurse job that summer and we went to South Carolina. Angela mentioned getting an RV for this travel gig and I told her she was crazy. There was no way she could sleep in a RV with kids running around. I hadn’t been in many RVs and let’s just say that I was not expecting much of them. SO, after much searching we found an apartment in SC that would rent to us for 3 months. She kept her staff job as part time and once a month we’d come back to see family and she would work at her old hospital for a couple of days. We spent that summer touring around South Carolina and did more in that state than most South Carolinians do their entire lives! HAHA! After our 3 months was up, we were driving back to Florida. On the drive, I looked at Angela and said “You know….we only brought a fraction of what we own to South Carolina, and we only used a fraction of what we even brought. I haven’t missed anything at our house in Florida. That means we have a whole house full of crap that we don’t even need. Why don’t we go back and sell it all and just go travel full time for a while”? Then I said, “You know, we can always buy more crap. But we can never buy these years with the kids back”. As soon as those words came out of my mouth, that thought haunted me. Those words right there would end up becoming my driving force for wanting to travel full time and experience as much as possible with our kids.

It was at this point that she mentioned RVing again. She ended up going to an RV show right after we got back and came back excited about what she had seen. She convinced me to go to a show that following January. We went, and after seeing how incredible some of these RVs were, I knew we could do it! We immediately went to start selling off everything. We sold my car(sigh). We sold our furniture. We sold everything we could. We finally sold our house in April of 2018 and purchased our first motorhome. It was a used 2008 that we would later renovate before departing in 2019. The rest is history…literally. And we will be sharing that history here and on our social channels in the weeks, months, and years to come!

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